Saturday 1 June 2024
work ban

Saudi mid-day work ban comes into force

The Saudi Arabian government has imposed a mid-day ban on outdoor work starting from today (June 15) for the next three months in a move aimed at mainly protecting construction workers who are vulnerable to heat stroke and dehydration.


Saudi mid-day work ban comes into force

The Saudi Arabian government has imposed a mid-day ban on outdoor work starting from today (June 15) for the next three months in a move aimed at mainly protecting construction workers who are vulnerable to heat stroke and dehydration.


Bahrain to implement summer work ban

A two-month ban on outdoor work during the hottest hours of the day in Bahrain will again come into force this summer, said a senior government official. “The midday break will be enforced from July 1 for outdoor work, especially in the co


Summer work ban ‘boosts productivity’

Bahrain's summer work ban has helped improve productivity, according a senior government official. Despite fears the law would hit profits, it has helped workers perform better, said Labour Minister Jameel Humaidan. Businessmen


Bahrain to implement midday work ban

The Bahrain labour ministry said teams of inspectors will be out in force over the summer to ensure that companies in the kingdom abide by a midday ban on outdoor work. Under the ban, nobody should be working outdoors between midday and 4p


Summer work ban from July

A two-month ban prohibiting work in open-air sites under scorching sun will become effective on July 1, the Labour Ministry has announced. Under the measure, work in the construction sector will be forbidden between midday and 4pm.


Bahrain may extend summer work ban

Bahrain may have to extend the summer ban on outdoor work if unseasonal temperatures continue to soar, a senior government official said yesterday. Two workers died of suspected heatstroke last month, with temperatures soaring well above

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