Sunday 2 June 2024
US report

Bahrain rejects ‘biased’ US claims as ludicrous

Racially-charged language, inaccurate figures and sweeping, unverified allegations weaken a US government report on Bahrain's human rights record, according to the Interior Ministry. In a scathing rebuke to the US State Depart


Oil steady below $80 after US inventory report

Oil was little changed below $80 on Wednesday after an industry report showed US crude inventories climbed more than expected on growing imports, while distillate stockpiles tumbled. Tuesday's report from the American Petroleum Institu


UAE committee discusses human trafficking

The UAE National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking discussed critical subjects related to combating human trafficking, essentially the report issued by the US Department of State on the subject. At the 14th meeting of the committee rec


US 'gives nod for Gulf forex change'

The United States has effectively given Gulf oil producers the go ahead for making changes to their dollar-pegged foreign exchange policies, by recognising inflation as a problem, Merrill Lynch has said. In a report entitled 'US Green Lig

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