Monday 17 June 2024

Yahlive launches 43-channel bouquet for Maghreb region

Yahlive has launched a 43-channel bouquet for the Greater Arab Maghreb region, following the signing of a new partnership with Sahli Media Group in Paris.    Its viewers across Northern Africa will gain acce


Arab Media Forum sessions unveiled

The growth of the media in Asia in contrast to its Western counterpart and the importance of bridging satellite space between the Maghreb and Mashreq countries will be the main sessions at the upcoming Arab Media Forum. The ninth edition o


Rice seeks closer Maghreb anti-terror links

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pushed for closer north African counter-terrorism cooperation on a tour of an oil-rich region hit by attacks blamed on Al Qaeda. Rice, who arrived in staunch US ally Morocco late on Saturday after vis


Redtape slows Gulf projects in Maghreb

Years after Gulf Arab investors promised multi-billion dollar investments in North Africa, early optimism is now tinged with unease as headline projects struggle to get off the ground. The Maghreb shares the Gulf's language but lacks busin

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