Saturday 1 June 2024
US House

Democrats take over US House with "sit-in" over gun control

Chaos in the US House of Representatives stretched into Thursday after Republicans refused demands by Democrats, who staged a "sit-in", to bring up gun control legislation in the wake of the nation's worst mass shooting in modern h


US House passes sweeping healthcare overhaul

The US House of Representatives has approved a sweeping healthcare reform bill, backing the biggest health policy changes in four decades and handing President Barack Obama a crucial victory. On a narrow 220-215 vote, including the support


US House clears $106bn war funding

The House of Representatives has narrowly backed a $106 billion bill to pay for the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and extend billions in new credit to the International Monetary Fund. The legislation also includes extras like vouchers to


US House eyes $825bn economic stimulus

Democratic leaders in the US House of Representatives will push for quick passage of a $825 billion economic stimulus bill being unveiled on Thursday. The massive bill will contain $550 billion in spending initiatives designed to create jo


US House passes bill to sue Opec over oil prices

The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Department to sue Opec members for limiting oil supplies and working together to set crude prices, but the White House threatened to veto the measu

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