Tuesday 4 June 2024

Millennium Corniche Abu Dhabi receives top award

The Millennium Corniche Hotel Abu Dhabi was named the Best Newcomer International 2016 Award by the Investors In People (IIP) at an event held in London last month. Millennium Corniche Hotel Abu Dhabi, was the only Hotel Company o


Millennium Corniche Abu Dhabi receives top award

The Millennium Corniche Hotel in Abu Dhabi, a luxurious property in the UAE capital, has been presented with the investors in people (IIP) award, the first hotel in Abu Dhabi to be accredited with the prestigious accolade. Investors in


DED hosts first seminar on ‘Investing in People’

The Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED), in association with International Performance Excellence (IPE), a UAE-based research and training consultancy, recently organised the first joint seminar to create awareness among enterprises and


DHL Bahrain wins IiP accreditation

DHL Express Bahrain, has once again been recognised as an outstanding employer after being awarded ‘Investor in People’ (IiP) accreditation. The award followed the company’s demonstration of its exerted efforts to develop employees throug

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