Saturday 1 June 2024

New regional air defence system ‘on way’

A blueprint for a regional air defence system to counter Iran is being developed by the US and its Gulf allies, according to American Secretary of Defence Dr Ashton Carter, reported the Gulf Daily News, our sister publication.


Former US President Carter has cancer

Former US President Jimmy Carter said on Wednesday that recent liver surgery revealed he had cancer that had spread to other parts of his body. "I will be rearranging my schedule as necessary so I can undergo treatment by phy


Iran threat is shared concern: Pentagon chief to Saudi

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said after talks in Saudi Arabia that Iran's ‘potential for aggression’ was a shared concern as he moved to bolster defence ties with Riyadh following a nuclear agreement with its arch-foe.


Iran deal: Carter to travel to Saudi

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter will travel to Saudi Arabia as part of the Obama administration's efforts to convince sceptical allies in the region about the benefits of the Iran nuclear deal, National Security Adviser Susan Rice said on We


Israel has 150 atomic weapons: Carter

Former US President Jimmy Carter has said Israel holds at least 150 nuclear weapons. This is the first time a former US president has publicly acknowledged the Jewish state's atomic arsenal. Asked at a news conference at Wales's Ha


Israel has 150 atomic weapons: Carter

Former US President Jimmy Carter has said Israel holds at least 150 nuclear weapons. This is the first time a former US president has publicly acknowledged the Jewish state's atomic arsenal. Asked at a news conference at Wales's Ha


Hamas will accept peace conditionally: Carter

Former US President Jimmy Carter said on Monday Hamas leaders told him they would accept a peace agreement negotiated by their rival, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, if Palestinians approved the deal in a vote. "They said they would a


Carter sets out ceasefire plan in Hamas talks

Former US President Jimmy Carter set out plans for a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel at a meeting with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal on Friday. Carter held more than four hours of talks with Meshaal on Friday in one of the highest-profile

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