Monday 17 June 2024

New spa ritual at Park Hyatt Dubai

Amara, a spa in Park Hyatt Dubai, has introduced Volcanic Freeze, a thermal spa ritual that uses both hot and cold treatments to induce relaxation and restore youthfulness to the skin. The ritual commences with a Hand and Foot Rose Petal B


Iraqi, Iran forces stand off in oil well row

Iraqi and Iranian forces are dug in on either side of a disputed inactive oil well in the sensitive border area, with Iraqis vowing to fight if necessary to fend off another occupation of the well by Iranian soldiers. Iraqi troops say they


Amara launches new spa menu

Amara has recently launched a new Spa Menu – Jewels of Arabia - at Park Hyatt Dubai.  Depending on a customer’s personal needs, the spa concierge will custom design an Amara spa programme just for him or her, based on the healing pro

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