Saturday 1 June 2024

Malaysia's PM in danger as Mahathir quits party

Former premier Mahathir Mohamad quit Malaysia's main ruling party on Monday and urged others to follow suit in a move that could weaken its hold on power and unsettle financial markets. The still influential Mahathir, who was prime ministe


Malaysia opposition forms alliance

Malaysia's opposition parties agreed on Tuesday to form a coalition in an effort to present themselves as a credible alternative for government, while the main ruling party sank deeper into dissent. The three main opposition parties won a


Mahathir's son asks Malaysian PM to resign

The son of former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad on Friday asked Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to resign following the ruling coalition's election debacle at the weekend. 'I'm asking him to resign,' Mukhriz Mahathir, a senior ex

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