Saturday 15 June 2024

DME approves ING Singapore to issues direct LCs

Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME) has approved ING Bank’s Singapore brand to issues letters of credit (LCs) for trading on DME directly from Singapore to support customers in Asia. This latest development is part of DME’


DME approves Mizuho Bank LCs from Singapore

Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME) has approved Tokyo-headquartered Mizuho Bank to issue letters of credit (LCs) for trading on DME directly from Singapore. Mizuho Bank is the first Japanese banking entity to be authorised to issue D


Sanctions target Iran, shoppers feel pinch

World powers want to push Iran's government into halting sensitive nuclear work with a new round of UN sanctions, but Iranian shoppers and small traders said on Tuesday they were the ones who really feel the pinch. "I don't understand the

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