Sunday 2 June 2024
Lightspeed Communications

Lightspeed unveils SMEs communication suite

Bahrain-based Lightspeed Communications has launched My Office, a communication suite for professionals designed to cater to the needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 'Our affiliation with Orange allows us to extend to our cust


Seef Properties in key IT deal

Seef Properties has signed an agreement with Lightspeed Communications to offer value-added and innovative services for residential and business customers. Lightspeed Communications has provided wireless technology at Seef Mall, where visi


Lightspeed revenues surge

Lightspeed Communications saw revenues increase by 800 per cent. Its customer base rose 10 times in the second half of its first year of operations as it celebrated its first anniversary on Monday. 'It is certainly a proud moment for u


Lightspeed launches special ADSL offer

Lightspeed Communications has launched its new ADSL Internet offer giving Bahrain residential customers the chance to benefit from ADSL services for special unprecedented prices. This offer, which is considered the first-of-its-kind in Ba

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