Friday 7 June 2024

DP World warns third parties on Djibouti terminal

Dubai-based global marine terminal operator DP World has today (July 12) reiterated that its concession agreement for the Doraleh Container Terminal (DTC) in Dijbouti remains in force. DP World warned that the Djibouti government&


UAE to host Ramsar Convention on Wetlands meet

The UAE is set to host the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in Dubai in 2018. The General Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands made the announcement during a pl


Iraqi parties in talks that may end Maliki's 8-year rule

Iraqi party leaders planned delicate talks that could end Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's divisive rule after a top Shi'ite cleric called for a new premier to be chosen without delay to tackle Islamist rebels threatening to tear apart t


Sharif, Zardari in deal talks; Musharraf isolated

Pakistan's opposition election winners were trying to forge a coalition, raising the prospect of a government intent on forcing US ally President Pervez Musharraf from power. Leaders of the two parties that won the election, the Pakistan P

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