Sunday 16 June 2024
clamp down

Sharjah apartment rents down 6pc

Downward movement in the rental market in the Northern Emirates, especially in Sharjah, saw apartment rates fall by an average of 6 per cent over the last three months, reversing the static trend of the previous two quarters, according to a r


Kuwait vows to combat inflation

Kuwait will unveil a new inflation-fighting plan next week focusing on food and basic commodities, a government minister said on Tuesday, as price rises remain near record levels. Commerce & Industry minister Ahmad Baqer, who was appoi


Bahrain to clampdown on public smoking

Smokers who light up in their cars with children aboard could be prosecuted under a proposed law. Traders who sell tobacco to children aged under 14 could also face up to six months in jail, under the law. It is already illegal to

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