Tuesday 18 June 2024

Gulfsands ousts CEO, names new chairman

Gulfsands Petroleum said it removed Mahdi Sajjad as chief executive and appointed Alastair Beardsall, a nominee of its top shareholder, as executive chairman with immediate effect. The oil and gas producer has been embroiled in a


Gulfsands makes third gas discovery in Morocco

Gulfsands Petroleum has found gas at its DOB-1 well in Morocco in the Sebou onshore permit, the Office of Hydrocarbons and Mining said in a statement. The well was drilled at 1,127 m depth and flowed at 175,500 cu m per day during


Gulfsands 'pleased' with new Morocco gas well flow

Gulfsands Petroleum has confirmed Dardara Southeast 1 (DRC-1) at Rharb Centre in Morocco as a future producing gas well after the completion of flow testing, according to a report. The well flowed at an average gas rate of 7.1mill


Gulfsands wins Syria approval for Khurbet field

Gulfsands Petroleum has received approval from the Syrian Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources and the Syrian Petroleum Company (SPC) for commercial development of the Khurbet East Field. Development of the Cretaceous Massive Reservoir wi

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