Monday 17 June 2024
Business leaders

Dubai to host 2,000 business leaders in March

Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), the world’s premier peer network of chief executives and business leaders, has selected Dubai as the host city for its landmark annual event, the YPO Edge, in 2016. Each year, the


Book on young Indian business leaders released

Xponent Media, a company specializing in coffee table books, commemorative times and contract publishing, has released the first-ever book on Next Generation Indian business leaders based in the UAE. The first-of-its-kind book was


Software AG offers business program to students

Software AG, a leader in business process excellence, will offer its business process design software available at no cost to universities in Germany, in a move to introduce the upcoming leaders to the latest business process optimization technolo


Bahrain gears up for Gulf Industry Forum

Following the stunning success of the inaugural Gulf Industry Forum (GIF) in January 2010, top-level government, industry and business leaders will again converge in Bahrain on February 8 for the second Forum in the series. The forum is be


Reforms key to Bahrain's growth says survey

Top executives view further reforms and a planned revision of the national economic strategy as crucial to Bahrain’s long-term growth and prosperity, according to a survey. Within this context, many government institutions, agencies and pr


WEF launches SlimCity initiative

Mayors, regional governors and the private sector have come together in Davos to launch the World Economic Forum’s SlimCity Initiative. SlimCity is an exchange between cities and the private sector to support action on resource efficiency

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