Sunday 2 June 2024
Westinghouse Electric Company

Westinghouse emerges from bankuptcy on Brookefield deal

Westinghouse Electric Company, the global leader in nuclear technology, fuels and services, said it has emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy following the company's sale to US-based Brookfield Business Partners, a business services and indus


Westinghouse emerges from bankuptcy on Brookefield deal

Westinghouse Electric Company, the global leader in nuclear technology, fuels and services, said it has emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy following the company's sale to US-based Brookfield Business Partners, a business services and indus


Westinghouse emerges from bankuptcy on Brookefield deal

Westinghouse Electric Company, the global leader in nuclear technology, fuels and services, said it has emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy following the company's sale to US-based Brookfield Business Partners, a business services and indus

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