Sunday 16 June 2024

Al Ahli Holding in deal to develop major media ecosystem

UAE-based Al Ahli Holding Group (AAHG) has signed an agreement with Sony Professional Solutions MEA for the development of the media sector and community within Nomad, a first-of-a-kind purpose-built ecosystem in Dubai. Set to lau


Al Ahli Holding in deal to develop major media ecosystem

UAE-based Al Ahli Holding Group (AAHG) has signed an agreement with Sony Professional Solutions MEA for the development of the media sector and community within Nomad, a first-of-a-kind purpose-built ecosystem in Dubai. Set to lau


Al Ahli Holding in deal to develop major media ecosystem

UAE-based Al Ahli Holding Group (AAHG) has signed an agreement with Sony Professional Solutions MEA for the development of the media sector and community within Nomad, a first-of-a-kind purpose-built ecosystem in Dubai. Set to lau

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