Monday 17 June 2024

Rexton launches new range of isolator switches

Leading electrical manufacturer Rexton Technologies Middle East, the industrial arm of Kingston Holdings, has announced the launch of its new range of weather-protected Isolator Switches IS300 series.   These pro


Rexton launches new range of isolator switches

Leading electrical manufacturer Rexton Technologies Middle East, the industrial arm of Kingston Holdings, has announced the launch of its new range of weather-protected Isolator Switches IS300 series.   These pro


Rexton opens LED light fittings plant in Sharjah

Kingston Holdings, a key manufacturer of electrical products including light fittings and air movement products, said one of its units, Rexton Technologies Middle East, has opened a 80,000-sq-ft LED (light-emiting-diode) manufacturing facility a


Rexton opens LED light fittings plant in Sharjah

Kingston Holdings, a key manufacturer of electrical products including light fittings and air movement products, said one of its units, Rexton Technologies Middle East, has opened a 80,000-sq-ft LED (light-emiting-diode) manufacturing facility a

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