Saturday 15 June 2024
Port of Wilmington

Gulftainer inks 50-year US port concession agreement

Gulftainer, the world’s largest privately-owned independent port operator and logistics company based in the UAE, finalised a 50-year concession with the State of Delaware in the US to operate and develop the Port of Wilmington, significan


Gulftainer inks 50-year US port concession agreement

Gulftainer, the world’s largest privately-owned independent port operator and logistics company based in the UAE, finalised a 50-year concession with the State of Delaware in the US to operate and develop the Port of Wilmington, significan


US completes review of Gulftainer's Port of Wilmington deal

UAE-based Gulftainer, an independent port operator and logistics company, has revealed that the US Federal Government has completed a review of the agreement that grants Gulftainer’s subsidiary GT USA Wilmington the rights to operate and d

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