Tuesday 4 June 2024
Zabeel Park

Dubai Frame set to open in January

Dubai Frame, a 150-m-high, 93-m-wide structure built to resemble a huge picture frame at Zabeel Park offering views of both the historic and modern parts of the city, will be open to the public next month. UAE Vice President, Prim


Dubai Frame set for January opening

Dubai Frame, a 150-m-high, 93-m-wide structure built to resemble a huge picture frame at Zabeel Park offering views of both the historic and modern parts of the city, will open to the public next month. UAE Vice President, Prime M


Dubai to float tender for Busan project

Dubai Municipality is set to float tender for a project to construct a special monument for the South Korean city of Busan in Zabeel Park. The monument will be a symbol for the close ties between the two cities following an twinning agreem

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