Saturday 1 June 2024

Kenya rivals sign power-sharing deal

Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga signed a power-sharing agreement on Thursday intended to end a post-election crisis that left 1,000 people dead. Crowds of onlookers clapped as the two rivals inked a deal at


Gunfire rocks Kenya town, 25 killed

Gunfire rang out in Nakuru on Saturday and armed gangs manned roadblocks in the western Kenyan town where at least 25 people have been killed in ethnic clashes since Thursday, witnesses said. Paramilitary police patrolled the Rift Valley p


Kenya braces for tough week, death toll 612

Kenya's feuding parties prepared on Monday for fresh duels in parliament and on the streets despite another international push to mediate a post-election crisis that has now killed at least 612 people. But for many around the east African


Kibaki offers national unity govt

President Mwai Kibaki said on Saturday he was ready to form a national unity government to end Kenya's bloody turmoil. But the opposition brushed the offer aside, saying he must step down and negotiate. After a week of political vi


Kibaki offers talks, protests shake Kenya

Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki appealed for calm and offered to talk to political rivals on Thursday after another day of battles between police and protesters disputing his re-election. "I am ready to have dialogue with the concerned parti


Protests greet Kenya leader's second term

Police battled protesters in blazing slums on Monday as President Mwai Kibaki began a second term after a disputed vote that has convulsed Kenya, hurt its democratic credentials, and brought a rising death-toll. As details emerged of a nig

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