Sunday 16 June 2024
Azadegan oilfield

Tender delayed for Iran's Azadegan oilfield

A tender for developing Iran's Azadegan oilfield has been delayed, a senior oil official was quoted as saying in a media report. "The companies are still assessing the technical surveys. The tender will not take place in


Europe firms bidding for Iran’s Azadegan oilfield

A number of European companies are bidding for the development of South Azadegan oilfield in Iran, a report said. European bidders for the project include Total (France), Shell (UK/Hollande), Eni (Italy), Wintershall (Germany), Ro


Japan firm eyes bid to develop Iran oilfield

Inpex, Japan's largest upstream company plans to bid in a tender recently launched by Iran to develop the Azadegan oilfield. "Inpex is in the process of gathering information and conducting updates as necessary. Inpex wil

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