Sunday 2 June 2024

200-year-old temple in Bahrain set for $1.3m renovation

Bahrain’s oldest Hindu temple is set to undergo a half-million-dinar renovation. New designs for the 200-year-old Hindu Temple inside Manama Suq will be unveiled tomorrow (December 19) with a planned budget of BD500,000 ($1.3 million) to


India's Muslim population rises

India's Hindus have dropped below 80 per cent of the population for the first time since independence and media had speculated the previous government deliberately delayed the release of the data because it showed a rise in the Muslim popula


India court rules Ayodhya site to be divided

A court ruled on Thursday the site of a demolished mosque in India would be divided between Hindus and Muslims, in a ruling that could appease both groups in one of the country's most divisive cases. The court in the northern state of


Malaysia detains ethnic Indians under security law

Malaysia invoked a tough internal-security law on Thursday to indefinitely detain five ethnic Indian activists from a group that had staged a mass anti-government protest last month. The deputy internal security minister said the five, fro

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