Saturday 1 June 2024
Indian investors

Indians pumped $22bn into Dubai real estate in 5 years

Indian nationals have emerged as the largest foreign investor group in Dubai’s real estate sector, buying properties worth Dh83.65 billion ($22.7 billion) in the last five years from 2013 to 2017, according to statistics compiled by Dubai


Dubai's real estate transactions top $77.5bn in 2017

Dubai's real estate market registered solid growth in 2017 with the total transactions surging to more than Dh285 billion ($77.5 billion) through 69,000 real estate transactions, said the annual transactions report released by the Dubai Land


Dubai Investments eyes Indian investors at property show

Dubai Investments, a leading diversified investments company, is targeting investors from India for its real estate projects during its participation in the third Dubai Property Show, to be held in Mumbai, India, later this week.

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