Tuesday 18 June 2024

Dubai Hospital expands key facilities

Dubai Hospital, one of the oldest hospitals in the emirate, has announced the expansion of its major speciality departments including radiology, cardiology, gynaecology and neonatology. The hospital offers a range of specialty ser


Forum to highlight trends in niche food sector

Global food experts are set to debate market trends and identify growth opportunities for regional businesses, amid growing regional demand for specialty food, seafood, and sweet and snacks at a forum in Dubai next month. As part


100 specialist exhibitors to showcase fine foods in Dubai

More than 100 specialist exhibitors from 24 countries are set to tap into the Middle East’s growing appetite for fine, gourmet, organic and luxury foods at a top festival in Dubai next month. The fifth annual Speciality Food


New gourmet show to launch in Dubai

The first trade exhibition in the Middle East dedicated to providing exclusive, high-end food products sourced from all over the world will launch in Dubai in October this year, said a top official of Dubai World Trade Centre. “The Middle


Starbucks to open farmer support centre in Africa

Starbucks Corporation chairman Howard Schultz will open a Starbucks Farmer Support Centre in the Ethiopian capital in 2008, the company announced today. The facility, the first in Africa, will enable Starbucks to work collaboratively with

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