Sunday 2 June 2024
King Saud University

King Saud University, Northrop hold cyber security workshop

King Saud University and Northrop Grumman Corporation are joining hands in an effort to foster innovation in cyber security among Saudi university students.   Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing inn


King Saud University wins AACSB accreditation

Saudi Arabia's King Saud University has earned the accreditation of US-based AACSB International for its College of Business Administration. Founded in 1916, AACSB International is the longest serving global accrediting body f


KSU teams up with STME for IT security

King Saud University (KSU) has partnered with STME, a leading IT solutions provider and systems integrator in the Middle East, for a comprehensive solution to KSU’s security requirements. KSU’s phenomenal growth in the


University picks Remedy to track activities

Leading provider of registries for life science and translational research, Remedy Informatics, has announced that King Saud University's Obesity Research Center, located in Saudi Arabia, has selected Remedy’s Investigate, to track all research ac


Top experts to take part in Solar Arabia

Top experts in the field of solar energy will take part in a key initiative to be held in Saudi Arabia in October. The Solar Arabia 2011 event will be held in Riyadh on Ocotber 23 and 24. The two days will see a range of industry experts d


Saudi university to host debut solar summit

King Saud University (KSU) has announced plans to host the inaugural 'Solar Arabia' summit from October 23 to 24 which will bring influential bodies responsible for shaping the legal framework of the nation’s renewable energy sector. These


King Saud University, Al Rabie sign MoU

King Saud University (KSU) has signed a MoU with Al Rabie Saudi Foods that will provide training and career development opportunities to university students. Prof Dr Abdullah Bin Abdurrahman Al Othman, KSU Rector and representative, and Mo


Saudi plans $500m car manufacturing unit

Saudi Arabia plans to start up its first car manufacturing company with a capital of $500 million and expects a prototype within two years, state media reported. Riyadh-based King Saud University's president Abdullah Al-Othman signed a


Elsevier partners with King Saud varsity

King Saud University (KSU) and Elsevier, a world-leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical information products, have signed an agreement to provide access to a series of scholarly journals from Saudi Arabia. The first eight j


Saudi Arabia unveils first local car

Saudi Arabia has unveiled its first locally-built car, an all-terrain vehicle called 'Ghazal 1,' a report said. There are plans to manufacture 20,000 units of the new vehicle a year, its promoters said. King Abdullah unveil

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