Thursday 23 January 2025

Peter Cameron

LNG industry disruption in focus at SPE Bahrain lecture

MANAMA, October 25, 2021

The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) – Bahrain Section has invited Peter Cameron to speak on the global LNG industry, as part of its Distinguished Lectures (DL) programme.
Cameron, Founder and Managing Director, Energy Markets Global and Chairman, Wide Network Solutions, will talk on ‘Global LNG — An Industry in Disruptive Transformation’, on November 8.
For decades, the global LNG business has been traditional, conservative and uncompetitive, and with only a few large players. But it is now undergoing disruptive transformation. 
Like any industry, LNG is one ready for change.
There are three key factors that drive transformation in any industry, namely an industry-wide crisis, action to enable the business environment, and the market developing by itself.
The drivers for change in the LNG industry include technological (FSRU, FLNG, supersized ships, mini-LNG, bunkering) and commercial (global LNG oversupply, regulatory, new demand and supply centres, new business models, new players, and new trading patterns).
But what is seen as the most important driver is the entry of the US, which set to become the world’s marginal LNG supplier shaping global LNG pricing; and also the largest supplier, with different business models. The combined effects can be transformational.
Members should consider further disruption as well as identify additional value in gas from previously stranded supplies and demand, which can now be opened up.
The purpose of the SPE’s DL programme is to provide local chapter with outstanding speakers for section meetings, and to recognise the professional contributions of the selected distinguished lecturers.
The programme promotes SPE’s mission to collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge. It is funded primarily by the SPE Foundation through member donations, as well as a contribution from Offshore Europe. 
The event is open to both SPE members and non-members and can be attended after registering by sending an email to latest by November 1. –Tradearabia News Service


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