Tuesday 4 June 2024

Lenovo’s software ‘made laptops vulnerable to hacking'

China-based Lenovo Group, a leading personal computer maker, had pre-installed a virus-like software on laptops that made the devices more vulnerable to hacking, according to a report. Experts said the program called ‘Superf


95pc Android apps in Mideast ‘potentially vulnerable’

More than 94 per cent of popular Android applications used in the Middle East are potentially vulnerable, according to a new research highlighting security risks in the internal storage used by applications on Google Android devices.


Dubai 'vulnerable to tourism-related crises'

Dubai is among the destinations which is vulnerable to tourism-related crises, says a new book on crisis management in tourism industry. The book, entitled “Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry: Beating the Odds”, has been co-written


Mideast economies 'less vulnerable'

Middle East economies are unlikely to suffer from the global credit crisis to the same degree as the West because of ample regional liquidity. That is the view expressed by Central Bank of Bahrain Governor Rasheed Al Maraj in an interview

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