Saturday 27 July 2024

STC receiving the awards

Kuwait's stc receives two accolades at IFM awards

KUWAIT CITY, January 22, 2023

Kuwait Telecommunications Company (stc) has been awarded the ‘Best Community Development CSR Company’ and ‘Best ICT Enterprise Digitalisation Company’ by International Finance (IF), a renowned financial publication. The awards were presented to stc during the International Finance Awards ceremony held in Dubai, UAE.
stc was chosen for the two prestigious recognitions following an extensive review performed by IF’s qualified research team, in which the company emerged as the winner in the two categories. 
stc, as well as its specialised business arm, solutions by stc, submitted two comprehensive reports highlighting the key strengths and achievements accomplished throughout 2022. Danah AlJasem – General Manager of Corporate Communications at stc attended the ceremony in Dubai and accepted the two awards on behalf of stc in the presence of the Consul-General of the State of Kuwait to the United Arab Emirates in the Emirate of Dubai and the Northern Emirates, Mr. Ali Salem Al Thayedi.
Hard work
Eng Maziad Alharbi, stc CEO, said: “These awards reflect the hard work and effort our team has placed across our different operational segments to achieve standards of excellence that are recognised on the local, regional, and international levels.”
He added: “Throughout the year 2022, we managed to expand our business in various areas and strengthen the breadth of our offerings to individuals and our B2B customers. We also focused on engaging with our community in creative and impactful ways, whether our initiatives focused on spreading awareness, supporting one of the key pillars of our CSR programme, or empowering members of the community in various ways. Our successful accomplishments during 2022 enabled stc to lead the local telecom sector in terms of revenue market share. This milestone achievement in stc’s history would have not been possible without the support of its various stakeholders.”
Alharbi added: “As a pioneering telecom and digital solutions provider, we offer a diverse range of innovative offerings that include advanced integrated communications and technology solutions. By offering customised and comprehensive internet, data communication, ICT, IoT and enterprise solutions to support network, infrastructure and application needs, our specialised business arm, solutions by stc, has grown into a powerful one-stop shop for business and wholesale solutions, catering to businesses and government entities both nationwide and across the region. 
“We also strongly believe in the importance of supporting SMEs, especially considering their influence and impact on our economy. solutions by stc introduced, and will continue to explore, innovative ways to support this special segment and enable business owners to run their operations efficiently and effectively.”
Expanding offering
In terms of ICT, solutions by stc expanded its offering to B2B customers throughout the year, especially following the acquisition of e-Portal Holding Company, a leading ICT provider in Kuwait. 
In line with its social responsibility and ongoing commitment to support the local community, stc implemented its comprehensive CSR programme while considering its key pillars: health and sports, education, entrepreneurship and youth empowerment and the environment. Through its various initiatives the Company spread awareness on significant topics and issues that impacted the community, while participating in a variety of activities that supported different causes.-- TradeArabia News Service


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